November 2017 Meeting - Review unknown code with static analysis

The next meeting will be held at Centre on November 2. Drinks and pizza will be provided by Pronexia. This event will be held in English.

Damien will bring Trisaieul, the first Elephpant ever made. Bring you Elephpants, we will make a family picture.

Please register on Mettup.

September 2017 Meeting - Why Are Browser Tests So Hard?

The next meeting will be held at Centre on September 7. Drinks and pizza will be provided by Pronexia. This event will be held in English. 

Register on Meetup please. 

How much? Free
When: September 7, 18:30 for drinks, pizza and networking. 19:00 for the talk. 
Where: Centre
420 Guy
H3J 1S6 

Why Are Browser Tests So Hard?

Paige Saunders

Rencontre août 2017 - OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls 2016

La prochaine rencontre se tiendra le 3 août au Centre Pronexia va fournir les rafraîchissements et la pizza. La rencontre se déroulera en Français.

Inscrivez-vous sur Meetup.

Combien: Gratuit
Quand: 3 août, 18:30 pour les breuvages, la pizza et le réseautage. 19:00 pour la session.
Où: Le Centre
420 rue Guy
H3J 1S6

June 2017 Meeting - Fire up your PHP App Performance with

The next meeting will be held at Centre on June 1. It will be remote presentation. Drinks and pizza will be provided by Pronexia. This event will be held in English. 

Please register on Meetup.

How much? Free
When: June 1, 18:30 for drinks, pizza and networking. 19:00 for the talk. 
Where: Centre
420 Guy
H3J 1S6 

May 2017 Meeting - Functional PHP, a glimpse into the future

The next meeting will be held at Centre on May 4. Drinks and pizza will be provided by Pronexia. This event will be held in English.

Please register on Meetup.

How much? Free
When: May 4, 18:30 for drinks, pizza and networking. 19:00 for the talk. 
Where: Centre
420 Guy
H3J 1S6 


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